The Mother Earth Farm team
Jennica Giroux
Chloe Drew
Chloe started the farm in 2013 while pregnant with her son Miles and staying home with her then 3 year old daughter Madelyn. She started her love for local foods by volunteering on the board of the Indiana County Farmers’ Market, marketing and event planning, when she decided to try her hand at growing on a larger scale. Around the same time, she started volunteering as the youth garden educator for the Indiana Community Gardens. Her passion for being surrounded by nature equals her passion for working with children, especially in nature. She’s a full-time mother of three wild and sweet farm kids, educator to garden growing youth, and enjoys her days spent under the sun in the soil. Growing organic produce and providing fresh, healthy food for her family and her community brings her great joy, but above all working in the dirt with her kids by her side is the reason she’s taken this path.
Jennica got her start in farming during the 6 years she spent living in St. Petersburg, FL, which has a thriving urban farming scene. She volunteered multiple times a week at Wunderfarms community gardens and at the Edible Peace Patch (urban elementary school gardens). Feeling homesick for family and cooler weather, and wanting to break away from the 9-5, Jennica moved back to Pennsylvania in the spring of 2017 to join the Farm. Officially leaving her corporate job at Raymond James Financial in 2023, she’s now able to spend all of her day at the Farm doing what she loves—getting her hands dirty and growing delicious vegetables (as well as raising her dirt loving son, Atlas)! She thrills at and takes great pride in creating unique recipes in which to enjoy the Farm’s veggies. If she’s not busy turning compost, pounding away at T-posts, building a hoop house, or any number of the more labor intensive farm tasks, you can usually find a beer in her hand.
Chloe’s team
From left to Right: Chloe’s husband, Mike, with the kids & a big turkey from the woods surrounding the farm, Madelyn and her wildflowers, Miles soaking wet after falling in the Farm creek and Henry exploring.
Jennica’s team
From left to right: Not far from Jennica at any given time you’ll find her loyal companion Yogi; he loves farm veggies. Alex, Jennica’s husband, joined the Farm in 2019 to kick off the Farm’s poultry endeavor. He also is in charge of brewing beer onsite for the hard working farmers. Lastly, Atlas, born in 2021, has loved dirt since it was first put in front of his face and is an avid worm lover, like his mama.
Endless thanks to our family, near & far, who have supported us in countless ways.